sábado, 25 de setembro de 2010

Gilmore Girls

como a maior parte já deve saber, sou uma grande fã da série Gilmore Girls. hoje resolvi ver alguns episódios da sétima temporada, seis, para ser mais precisa. num deles, a personagem interpretada pela Alexis Bledel disse umas palavras sábias:
"... everything is just ending. i just feel like everything is gonna be over... it's like i'm standing on this cliff and looking down at this huge foggy abyss. and my hole life, there's never been an abyss. has been abyssless. i've always known exactly what is in front of me and i've always known exactly where i'm going. and now i don't know what is out there... a tonne of fog. i'm hating not knowing what is out there. i hate not knowing what is gonna happen with the rest of my life..."

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